20 0 3年 4~ 6月 ,在四川省南充市通过野外观察、录音、室内计算机处理及声谱分析对珠颈斑鸠繁殖期占据领域鸣声特征及行为做了研究。结果表明 :珠颈斑鸠有一般占据和召唤配偶共同占据两类鸣声 ,两类鸣声雌雄不同 ,但均由 3音节组成 ;其鸣唱具有应答性 ,且每次在各栖位点的鸣唱顺序大致相同 ;日鸣唱频次变化大 ,具 3个高峰期 ;
Behaviors and characteristics of the occupying territorial song of spotted dove ( Streptopelia chinensis ) were studied during the breeding season in Nanchong,Sichuan from April to June,2003.The data were collected by observation and recording in the wild.The records were processed with computerized analysis soft.The results showed that the occupying territorial songs of spotted dove had two types.The songs were different between the male and female.Every song was composed of three syllables.The behavior of the occupying territorial song of spotted dove was responsive.Furthermore,the sequences of singing in each roosting situs were similar.The diurnal frequencies of the occupying territorial song had a great variation and there were three peak periods every day.It was in different phases that the frequencies of the occupying territorial song had also great variation in breeding season.