目的 观察前置胎盘的临床表现 ,分娩方法及治疗。方法 采用期待疗法与综合治疗相结合。结果 36例中 ,2 4例采用期待疗法 ,延长胎龄达 6 0d ,无孕产妇及胎儿死亡。结论 采用期待与综合疗法相结合是治疗前置胎盘成功的关键。
Objective To observe clinical appearance of placenta previa and its methods of delivery and treatment.Methods Adopt expectant and comprehensive treatment.Results 24 cases of 36 have elongated their pregnant period for 60 days and no death of pregnant woman and fetus were observed.Conclusion To adopt expectant and comprehensive treatment is key to treatment of placenta previa.
Journal of Medical Forum