茶黄蓟马是近年来发现的危害四川荔枝秋梢的重要害虫 ,在四川 1年发生 1 0~ 1 5代 ,以成虫在荔枝、龙眼树皮裂缝及茶花中越冬 ,1年 4季均可发现 ,危害新梢叶片、顶芽 ,使抽花枝头减少 ,树势衰弱 ,减产甚至失收。用 7 5 %虫霸乳油防治效果达 95 %,其当地优势天敌有草蛉、瓢虫。
The yellow tea thrips, Scirothrips dorsalis Hood, is a serious pest infesting autumn shoots of litchi in Sichuan in recent years. It has 10~15 generations a year in Sichuan, and over\|winters as adult inside bark clefts of litchi and longan or inside tea flowers. It occurs whole year around, and infests new shoots and leaf buds, resulting in slow growth of host trees, reduced production or even no production of fruits. A control efficiency of 95% is reached through spraying of 7.5% Chong ba emulsion. The dominant natural enemies of this pest include green lacewings, lady birds, predatory bugs Orius spp. and jumping spiders.
Entomological Knowledge