目的 :探讨建立“气至病所”的病理模型 ,为研究经络实质提供依据。方法 :利用甘氨酸抑制剂士的宁 ,提高脊髓兴奋功能 ,观察针刺发生的传导性脊髓场电位与病灶兴奋的传入冲动在脊髓内的重叠情况。结果 :实验组在刺激心脏前仅能从L4和L6 记录到SEP ,而刺激心脏后SEP还可在T3和少数C7记录到。皮下注射士的宁后 ,SEP能够从每例动物的C7中记录到 ,并且随着传导性SEP到达C7,动物的心电图也随之改善。对照组针刺“足三里”后可在L4和C6 记录到SEP ,皮下注射士的宁后 ,SEP也可在T3记录到。结论 :士的宁背景下的传导性SEP可做为“气至病所”的病理模型。
Objective:To explore methods for establishing pathological model of “Qi arriving at the affected area' of traditional Chinese medicine, and to try to provide a clue for further studying about the essence of meridians. Methods: Thirty male rabbits anesthetized with 20% urethane (1 g/kg) were randomly divided into experimental group ( n =15) and control group ( n =15). Silver ball electrodes were placed separately below the spinous processes of C 7, T 3, L 4 and L 6 for recording the spinal evoked potential (SEP) after electrical stimulation of the exposed heart for 15 sec (for inducing pathological changes, the artificial focus) and subsequent electroacupuncture (EA) stimulation of bilateral “Zusanli'(ST 36). The reference electrode was placed beneath the subcutaneous tissue. Ten minutes later, Nitrate Strychnine (2 mL, an inhibitor of glycine) was injected into the subcutaneous tissues for enhancing the excitability of spinal cord. The treatments of control group were the same to those of experimental group except stimulation of the heart. Results: In treatment group, before cardiac stimulation, SEP could be recorded only from L 4 and L6; following cardiac stimulation, SEP could also be recorded from T 3 and C 7 (fewer cases). After administration of Nitrate Strychnine, SEP could be recorded from C 7 in every animal. Along with the appearance of SEP from C 7, the post stimulation electrocardiogram was also improved. In control group, following acupuncture stimulation of ST 36, SEP was recorded from L 4 and L 6; after subcutaneous injection of Nitrate Strychnine, SEP could also be recorded from T 3. Conclusion: The conducting SEP under background of subcutaneous administration of Strychnine may be employed as a model of “Qi arriving at the affected area'.
Acupuncture Research
Conducting spinal electric potential Sensation transmission along meridians 'Qi arriving at the affected area