目的 :进一步认识α 干扰素在治疗病毒性肝炎中出现的常见和严重不良反应 ,提示临床中长期应用α 干扰素应注意的问题。方法 :文献检索收集国内医药期刊上公开发表的 18篇关于α 干扰素在治疗病毒性肝炎时不良反应个例报道及临床研究论文 ,并进行统计分析和归纳。结果 :文献涉及不良反应 5 89例次 ,用药初期多为流感样症状 ,反复多次用药后不良反应可累及多个器官和系统。结论 :α 干扰素在治疗病毒性肝炎中会出现多种不良反应并随着累积剂量的增大或治疗时间的延长而出现一些较严重的不良反应 ,临床中应加强用药监测 。
Objective: To understand more adverse reactions by α interferon in the treatment of viral hepatitis.Method: 18 literatures about adverse reactions by α interferon were collected and reviewed from national medical journals.Result: 589 cases with adverse reactions were reported. In the initial stage of the therapy the common reactions were flu like symptoms and afterα interferon was repeatedly taken, many organs/systems were involved.Conclusion: there are many adverse reactions in the treatment of viral hepatitis by α interferon, and even some severe reactions may arise from taking interferon with a large dose for a long time. So some clinical precautions should be taken in order to prevent and reduce the adverse reactions.
Chinese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology