目的:用H pylori SSl(Sydney strainl)感染C57BL/6小鼠及Balb/c小鼠,建立稳定的H pylori感染的小鼠实验动物模型. 方法:通过灌胃的方式用H pylori SS1菌株感染二级C57BL/6小鼠和Balb/c小鼠,灌胃后4、12及24 wk分三次处死动物,用胃黏膜匀浆液进行细菌培养试验、尿素酶试验、胃病理组织学检查以及血清学抗体检测试验. 结果:灌胃4wk后,处死的7只Balb/c小鼠经胃组织细菌培养发现有6只显示阳性结果;处死的7只C57BL/6小鼠中有5只显示阳性结果.12和24wk后的实验组7只Balb/c 小鼠胃组织细菌培养均为阳性,而7只C57BL/6小鼠中有6只显示阳性结果.在不同阶段尿素酶检测的阳性结果与细菌培养法结果一致.实验组动物胃窦部及胃体部均出现了轻度至中度慢性活动性胃炎变化;血清学IgG检查表明,各实验组的实验动物产生了抗H pylori血清抗体;而对照组动物的胃黏膜匀浆液经各项检测均为阴性. 结论:成功地建立了H
AIM: To develop a mouse model with long-term infection of H pylori. METHODS: Each mouse was inoculated with H pylori Sydney strain 1 (SS1). Noninfected control mice and infected mice were killed at 4, 12 and 24 wk after H pylori infection. A piece of gastric mucosa obtained from the posterior wall of the antrum of each mouse was used for culture of H pylori, rapid urease testing and histopatho-logical detection. Serum was obtained to measure the IgG antibody level to H pylori. RESULTS: After 4 wk of infection, the H pyloriwas cultured from 6 of 7 infected Babl/c mice and 5 of 7 the H pylori-infected C57BL/6 mice. After 12 and 24 wk of infection, all of 7 infected Babl/c and 6 of 7 the H pylori infected C57BL/6 mice showed the positive results. At the different wk, the rapid urease test results were consistent with the H pylori culture test. At 12 wk after inoculation, chronic inflammation was observed in the pyloric mucosa by histopathological examination. At 24 wk after inoculation, lymphoid follicles were especially conspicuous in the submucosa, and they were also found in the deep portion of the mucosa. CONCLUSION: H pylori SSI can colonize easily in the glandular stomach mucosa of mouse, and the histopathological changes are similar to those of humans with H pylori infection.
World Chinese Journal of Digestology