The article is subjected to some new ideas about yawing.
Yawing at anchor is a sort of complicated and hazadous movement.
It has some character but not quite similar as that of Simple Harmonic Mo-
tion.There are some significant differences:the curve of yawing has no
fixed center,its radivs is variable as well.Basides,when yawing hap-
pens,the ship will have both revolution against its relative center and rota-
tion on her own axis at the same time.
The article sketches the yawing conditions of several basic mooring
fashions,such as:Single Mooring,Riding on V—Shape Anchors and Rid-
ing on One—Point Anchors.
The One—Point Anchoring Method is a method created by the author some years ago.It is explained in the article in details that the yawing
resistance to the holding power of a ship anchored by One—Point
Anchoring Method will be more than 2 times as that of a ship at a single
Moreover,the article introduces some operating methods to control
Navigation of China