人才资源是第一资源 ,煤炭行业面临着人才短缺与断档的严重局面。必须大力实施“科教兴煤”、“人才强煤”战略 ,加强领导 ,统筹规划 ,争取优惠政策 ,采取必要措施 ,建立高素质的煤炭人才队伍 ,以适应煤炭工业走新型工业化道路和可持续发展的需要。
It should be realized the talented personnel are a major resource,especially when there exists a serious shortage of such personnel in the coal industry. With a view of such a situation,efforts must be taken to seek for favorable policies and measures taken to upgrade the quality of personnel in the coal industry to meet the needs of a sustainable development.
Meitan Higher Education