现实生活中的刘知几从敢于直言劝谏 ,有着强烈的济世之志 ,逐渐发展到随波逐流、明哲保身 ,其中既与严酷的政治现实有关 ,也与其受老庄消极处世思想的影响有关。他的史学思想深受王充、刘勰等人的影响 ,但决不盲从前人的观点。他注意广泛汲取古今学者的思想精华 ,创造性地对中国史学理论进行了首次总结 ,开了史学批评的先河。
In his early life,Liu Zhiji had a strong ambition to benefit society,and dared to speak bluntly and remonstrate with superior.But later,he turned to chime in with the majority to keep himself safe.This change had to do not only with the grim political reality,but also with the influence of Laozi's and Zhuangzi's negative philosophies.Liu's historical thoughts were also deeply influenced by Wang Chong's and Liuxie's.But he didn't follow predecessors blindly.Liu widely sucked in the quintessence of ancient and modern scholars' thoughts.At the same time,Liu creatively summarized Chinese historical works for the first time,which was the beginning of historical criticism.
Journal of Historical Science