我国高校德育长期徘徊在低效状态 ,原因有三 ,一是德育目标过高 ,二是德育手段单一 ,三是德育过程简单化。提高高校德育实效性要充分发挥教师主导性和学生主体性两个作用 ;要充分利用现代教育技术表达信息丰富的特点 ,激发大学生的学习兴趣 ,撞击大学生的理论思维 ;要充分利用网络的开放性、迅捷性、互动性特点 ,全面开创学校德育工作的新局面。面对网络文化的挑战 ,教育者应迅速转变教育观念 ,提高自身的素养。
The moral education class in the universities of our country has been inefficient for a long period of time because of the following three reasons, i.e. the unrealistic objectives, the monotonous method and the over simple proccess. The guiding role of teachers and the pricipal part of the students should all be brought into full play to raise the level of actual effect in the moral education class. Modern technology is to be used to show plenty of information so as to stimulate the interest of study from the students and stike the cord of their thinking. The advantage of the net is its openness, quickness and the interaction. We should make full use of the advantage to develop the new situation for the moral education class to meet the challenge of the net culture, and as educators, change our educational mind to improve our quality.
Journal of Henan Institute of Education(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)