张爱玲散文对日常生活、冷暖人生有着充分的体悟 ,并且能够超越平凡生活的层面 ,拥有独特的精神品格。通过对张爱玲散文的研究 ,从边缘性、民间性以及都市性等三种全新的视角进行分析 ,并挖掘出她的散文审美特性 ,从而把握张爱玲散文的整体风貌。
Essays by ZHANG Ai-ling not only embodies her good understanding of human touch, but also surpasses the commonness of life, enjoying the unique spiritual quality. The author trys to dig out Miss Zhang's taste characteristics, discuss three angles of her prose-fringe, custom and urbanism by the study of her essays to seize the style and features of her essays as a whole.
Journal of Henan Institute of Education(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)