在初中历史新课程的实施中 ,历史教师必须改变旧的教育观念 ,真正确立与新课程相适应的体现素质教育精神的教育观念 ,做好自身角色的转变 ,完整准确地把握初中历史教学目标及内容 ,采用探究式学习为主体的灵活多样的教学方式 ,促进学生全面素质的提高。
In the reformation of history course for junior middle school, the teachers must change the old education fashion and set up a new concept to comply with the reformation for diathetic education. The history teachers should always keep the teaching objective in mind and master all contents completely and exactly. They should also apply diversity ways on teaching to lead the students to learn the history course in an altitude of researching so as to improve their diathesis on the whole.
Journal of Henan Institute of Education(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)