随着 2 0世纪科学技术的迅猛发展 ,当代自然辩证法越来越呈现出科学技术哲学的新范式 ;创新精神是当代自然辩证法的题中之义 ,自然辩证法是创新的产物且处于不断创新之中 ;创新是自然辩证法的精神实质和目标追求 ,表现在自然辩证法创立的目的、方法论功能所蕴含的创新机理以及它曾经和正在引导科学家的创新等方面。因此自然辩证法的研究与创新精神的培养联系密切 ,应当重视对当代自然辩证法的学习研究。
With the rapid development of scientific technology in the 20th century, contemporary dialectics of nature gives more and more expression to the new patterns of scientific technology philosophy. As a theme of contemporary dialectics of nature, innovative spirit is the result of innovation and is being innovated constantly. As the essence and pursuit of dialectics of nature, innovation is reflected in the original purpose of establishing such a learning, innovation principles embodied in the methodology, their having led and currently leading scientists to innovation: hence the close relationship between dialectics of nature and innovative spirit development. In all, attention should be paid to contemporary dialectics of nature.
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)