目的 阐明九江县赛城湖建坝蓄水工程对血吸虫病传播的控制作用 ,为未来的大型建坝蓄水工程—“鄱阳湖控制工程”对血防的利弊关系提供依据。方法 ①收集 1995~ 2 0 0 1年逐年坝内外 4~ 9月份水位资料 ,分析坝内水位变幅对钉螺生存繁殖的影响 ;②调查蓄水区血吸虫病病情和螺情历史演变状况 ;③对 195 8年建坝的红星村进行一次人畜血吸虫病感染率和洲滩钉螺密度的现况调查 ,确认目前流行态势。结果 ①赛城湖的钉螺分布于高程为 14~ 18m的洲滩上 ,建坝蓄水后 4~ 9月份的坝内水位波幅显著缩小 :最低水位高于坝外 2m± ;最高水位低于坝外 0 5~ 1 5m ;②赛城湖区域内的小城门湖、大城门湖和赛湖北岸的历史查螺资料均显示 ,在上述水情条件下 ,消灭钉螺所需年限为 4~ 6年 ;③当地建坝蓄水前的居民血吸虫平均感染率甚高 ,随着坝内螺口的逐年减少 ,人群感染率显著下降 ,本次现况调查未发现钉螺、病人和病牛。结论 建坝蓄水能消灭钉螺和血吸虫病。
Objective To determine the impact of the project of building dike for storing water against schistosomiasis transmission,and provide the practical basis of snail and schistosomiasis elimination for the huge project “Poyang Lake Control Project” which probably be built in future.Methods To collect the data of water level during the period from April to September since 1995,and analyze the relationship between the water level changes and snail breeding at the inside of the dike;to survey the historical endemic situation of schistosomiasis including snail population in the storing water area after building dike;to investigate the snail density in marshland and the infection rate of human being and livestock at the inside of the dike to confirm the present endemic situation of schistosomiasis in Saicheng Lake region.Results Snails were found in the marshland with 14~18m elevation around Saicheng Lake region.After building dike,the wave's scope of water level at the inside of dike decrease significantly:the lowest water level was 2m± higher than that at out of dike and the highest water level was 0.5~1.5m lower than that at the outside of dike.under the condition of the water level mentioned above,the period of snail was eliminated was calculated to be 5 years.the infection rate of human being and livestock reduced remarkably following the decrease of snail area and snail density year by year,and no snail and no cases of schistosomiasis has be found in this survey.Conclusion Schistosomiasis transmission can be interrupted by snail elimination after building dike for storing water.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses