目的 :探讨CO2 激光联合湿润烧伤膏 (MEBO)治疗尖锐湿疣 (CA)的疗效。方法 :本中心运用CO2 激光对 12 3例CA患者进行烧灼与汽化治疗后的创面外涂MEBO ,观察创面修复过程与复发率。结果 :MEBO外涂CO2 激光烧灼与汽化CA后的创面 ,无感染并发症、愈合快 ,复发率低 ,且有止痛效果 ,未出现毒副作用。结论 :CO2
Objective:To explore the efficacy of MEBO in association with carbon dioxide laser therapy for treating condyloma acuminatum (CA).Method: 123 cases of CA were treated with carbon dioxide laser therapy, and MEBO was applied. Result: The results were very satisfactory. No infection occurred. Pain was stopped. The wounds healed quickly and the recurrence rate was very low. This treatment had no adverse effect. Conclusion: MEBO in association with carbon dioxide laser therapy for treating condyloma acuminatum proved to have synergic effect
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers