本文在充分分析矿业开发密集地区景观生态破坏特点的基础上 ,从景观稳定性、景观破碎程度、景观生产力和景观宜人性四个方面提出了景观生态破坏程度综合评价的指标体系 ;首次提出了考虑均衡度的灰色关联分析 ;并以河北省迁安市部分矿业开发密集地区为例进行了实例分析。评价结果表明 :本文提出的评价指标体系及评价方法是科学合理的 ,评价结果符合实际情况。
The paper fully analyses character about ecological damage of landscape in abundant mines district.On this base,this paper puts forward index system of overall merit about the degree of ecological damage of landscape in the following four aspects:landscape stability,degree of landscape fragmentation,landscape productivity and landscape esthetics.The paper is involved in analysis of equilibrium gray relevancy and analyses a part of abundant mines districts in Qianan county in Hebei province with taking example for it.Result of evaluation testified the following aspects:index system of comprehensive evaluation and method of evaluation is scientific and reasonable,result of evaluation accord with practial situation.
China Mining Magazine