
蔗糖浓度对生姜试管苗生长及内源激素变化的影响 被引量:8

Effects of Sucrose Concentration on Growth and Endohormone Concentration Variations of Tube-ginger
摘要 随蔗糖浓度的提高,生姜试管苗的株高显著降低,而繁殖系数显著增加,蔗糖浓度超过80 g·L^(-1)时,繁殖系数则显著降低。不同蔗糖浓度处理生姜试管苗叶片及根状茎內源激素IAA、ZR变化较小;而GA则随蔗糖浓度的提高呈下降趋势;蔗糖浓度在20~50 g·L^(-1)范围内叶片ABA变化不大,而根状茎ABA则迅速降低,蔗糖浓度超过50 g·L^(-1),叶片ABA迅速增加,而根状茎ABA则变化不大。生姜试管苗根状茎形成与叶片及根状茎内源激素ABA/GA密切相关,相关系数分别为0.935 8和0.996 7。蔗糖浓度80~110 g·L^(-1)时,叶片ABA/GA在1.0~1.4之间,诱导根状茎效果较好。 With sucrose concentration increasing, the height of tube-ginger plant decreased, while propagation coefficient significantly increased. When sucrose concentration was more than 80 g·L^(-1), propagation coefficient decreased. In different treatments, concentrations of IAA and ZR varied little, but GA declined with sucrose concentration increasing when sucrose was from 20 g·L^(-1) to 50 g·L^(-1). Concentration of ABA in leaves varied a little but ABA in rhizome declined sharply on the contrary when sucrose concentration was over 50 g·L^(-1). Relations between the formation of rhizome and the ratio of ABA/GA in leaves and in rhizome were significant, and were 0.935 8 and 0.996 7 respectively. The range of sucrose concentration 80 - 110 g·L^(-1) was better for the induction of rhizome.
出处 《中国蔬菜》 北大核心 2004年第2期15-17,共3页 China Vegetables
关键词 蔗糖浓度 生姜 试管苗 生长 内源激素 组织培养 根状茎 Ginger Tissue culture Rhizome induction Endohormone
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