夏花6号父母本分别来自日本的55天、香港的70天花椰菜。该一代杂种适宜夏秋栽培,成熟期50~55 d(天)。花球半圆形、洁白,半松型,花梗绿色,平均单球质量0.50~0.85 kg,每667 m^2栽3 000~3 300株,产量2 000~3 000 kg·(667 m^2)^(-1),较同类早熟品种增产20.5%。品质细嫩、风味佳;抗黑腐病、软腐病。
Xiahua No.6 is a new cauliflower F_1 hybrid developed by two self-incompatible lines. It has heat-tolerance, early maturity ranging from 50 to 55 days, multi-disease resistance, and suitable to be cultivated in both summer and autumn. The curd is white, semicircle, partly loose, with green stalk. Average curd weight is 0.50 - 0.85 kg. The yield is 30-45t. hm^(-2) and 20.5% higher than the control variety.
China Vegetables