This paper reports the results of surviellance in areas where filariasis has been basically eradicated since1984 in Guangxi Autonomous Region.A five years(1985—1989)longitudinal surveillance by etiological,entomogical and serological methods was carried out.The results showed that the average microfrilaria ratewas further reduced from 0.007% in 1985 to 0.002% in 1986 and kept zero in later three consecutiveyears(1987—1989).The average density of microfilariae was reduced from 12.7mf/60μl in 1985 to 6.5mr/60 1 in 1986.No natural infection of filarial larvae in Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus,Anopheles anthro-pophagus and An.sinensis was found in 1986—1989.The average positive rate of filarial antibodies in inhab-Rants living in endemic area by IFAT ranged from 1.53% to 4.21%.There was no significant differencebetween the filarial antibody levels of inhabitants living in endemic area and non—endemic area.It was con-eluded that the transmission of filariasis in The Guangxi Autonomous Region was interrupted effectivelly.
Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control