中国历代农民都具有较强的可塑性 ,这可以看成是它的特质。在中国历史上 ,传统的农民表现出积极主动的适应能力 ,近代的农民更表现出适应当时的特殊社会环境的顽强生存能力 ,当代的农民则表现出顺应社会主义市场经济发展的自主创新能力。我们认真总结和吸取中国历史上的经验和教训 ,党和国家对 9亿农民的农村改革政策应该是疏导而不是强制。今后一定要从有利于农民的自身解放和自由发展出发 ,给农民“正名” ,让他们享有平等的“国民待遇” ;给农民“松绑” ,让他们自主地创造美好的小康生活 ;给农民“援助” 。
Possession of plasticity is a unique feature of Chinese farmers of any dynasty. The Farmer plasticity refers to Chinese farmers' adaptability in the face of ext ernal influences, esp. their active adaptability and potential automatic creativ ity under certain social conditions. There existed deep-rooted folk“regional kn owledge', which characterizes practicality, extension, adaptability and reusabil ity. The fact that farmers consciously or non-consciously utilize this kind of d elicate“experience knowledge' has produced both positive and negative effects. By summarizing and learning lessens from history, a reasonable rural reform poli cy towards 900 million farmers should be to dredge, not force. The design of rur al policies of CCP and the Government must benefit farmers' self-emancipation an d free development. Let them enjoy“citizen treatment' by resuming their deserve d“social position'; let them create their own magnificent and rich life by“und oing their social chains'; let them catch up with the tempo of social developmen t by“aiding them
Issues in Agricultural Economy