崔大林同志的文章在论述“训练理论创新发展趋势”时指出 ,第一个发展趋势就是“训练的全面化转向专项化、个性化”。这是一个重大的、深具战略意义的发现和论断。它如果被体育界的领导和战士、理论工作者和实践工作者所重视 ,必将引来对“一元训练理论”的研究和运用的热潮 ,引来中国体育的第二次飞跃。每一件训练工作都是个别地掌握进行的 ,贯穿着“道”。“道”反映在训练思路中 ,这是一个过程。它表现为人的有关思想认识的发现、整合、贯彻、反馈、调整、改进 ,以求训练工作的系统、周密、完整、高效。因此 ,在发展责任心 (主体意识 )的基础上 ,进行有关知识和智慧的建设 ,以积极提高训练行为和经验中的智慧附加值 ,以求趋近和逼近于“道” ,这是十分重要的。
The first development tendency of training theory in China, as Mr. Cui Dalin pointed out, is the shift of the training from generalization to specialization and individuation. The finding, if it were paid enough attention to in China sports world, would lead to an enthusiastic study on and application of the unitary training theory, and thereby lead to the second leap of China sports. Every training work is carried out through a 'doctrine' which is reflected in one's training thinking. The obligation sense, knowledge and wisdom are quite important for doing training work well.
Sports & Science