利用文献资料法 ,分析了Na+ 、K+ 平衡能力与骨骼肌疲劳的关系 ,认为肌膜上的Na+ -K+ -ATP酶是维持肌纤维结构和功能的重要蛋白质 ,Na +、一些激素、递质通过复杂的信号转导机制对Na+ ,K+ -ATP酶活性进行调节。周期性训练刺激可以增加肌纤维细胞膜上酶的数量和活性 ,产生良性适应。研究表明疲劳时Na+ ,K+ -ATP活性下降 ,Na+ 、K+ 调节能力不足 ,胞内K+ 持续丢失 ,胞外Na+ 内流 ,静息电位绝对值随运动时间延长明显下降 ,肌肉做功能力下降。有资料表明 ,运动中自由基产生增加 ,以多种方式攻击Na+ ,K+ -ATP酶和脂质双分子层 ,是疲劳时酶活性下降的重要原因。
From information of the papers, the authors researched on the relationship of neuromuscular fatigue and Na+,K+-ATPase. Na+,K+-ATPase on skeletal muscles cell coat is a key protein to keep muscle fiber cell's structure and function. Na+,some hormones and transmitter are regulators of Na+,K+-ATPase, which affects not only the property of resting potential, action potential, proper excitability, but also the property of contraction and relaxation. After period exercising, the activity and number of Na+,K+-ATPase and the exercise ability is enhanced. It is made clear that free radical explosion in exercise attack the Na+,K+-ATPase, making the Na+,K+-ATPase on the membrane downregulation.
Sports & Science