根据中医理论 ,应用补气壮阳复方中药 ,通过一般情况的观察、运动时间、体重、血乳酸、心肌、肝脏、肾脏、骨骼肌各组织切片这些指标的变化 ,来观察该补气壮阳中药对运动性疲劳的大鼠组织结构的影响。结果发现 :①该复方补气壮阳中药有消除运动性疲劳 ,提高运动能力的效应 ,②该复方补气壮阳中药有保护心肌、骨骼肌的作用 ,尤其对心肌有抗心肌炎的作用。③该复方补气壮阳中药对过度疲劳状况下疲劳的消除和运动能力的提高作用有限。
Based on the traditional Chinese medical theory ,the effects of invigorating qi and strengthen Yang of Compound prescription on removing Exercise-induced Fatigue to prolonged ,heavy load swimming through the change of exercise time ,blood lactate and characteristics of Histological changes in Rat's cardiac,kidney, liver and skeleton muscles. The results indicate that: ①the chinese Herbal has the effect of removing Exercise -induced Fatigue and enhancing rats physical performance .It seems that the effect of strengthen Yang of Simple recipe is remarkable . ②the chinese Herbal has the effect of protecting rat's cardiac,skeleton muscles .It especially has the effect of Anti-myocarditis ③the Chinese Herbal's effects is limited for removing overtraining rat's Exercise-induced Fatigue and enhancing overtraining rat's physical performance .
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