我国自实行社会主义市场经济以来 ,人们对财产权作为一种人权的问题开始关注 ,近几年来 ,工商联、法学界一再呼吁私有财产权应当成为一项基本人权而写入宪法 ,“不久的将来”这一建言终将变为现实。 2 0 0 3年 1 2月 ,《中共中央关于修改宪法部分内容的建议》明确了对私有财产权的保障。本刊编辑陈立风就此问题与郑州大学法学院的几位师生进行了讨论。他们就“财产权”的涵义、宪法保障私有财产权的理论价值和实践意义、我国私有财产权宪法保障的不足等问题发表了自己的看法 ,评析了中共中央修宪建议的进步与局限 ,认为如果私有财产权的宪法规范既在总纲中规定 ,也在“公民的基本权利”体系中规定则更加完美 ;“并给予补偿”可能在理解和适用上会发生歧义 ,故应明确其内涵 ;对私有财产权的征收或征用还需要有相应的法律与之配套 ,并应对征收或者征用的补偿。
Since we developed socialism market economy, people started to pay attention to property right and that is one of human rights. In recent years, commercial association and jurisprudence circle have appealed that private property right, as basic human rights,should be drawn up in the constitution law. “The near future”will become true at last.The draft of protecting property right has been proposed by the counsel of the Party.The editor of this journal interviewed several experts from Law School of Zhengzhou University on this problem. They explained the concept of property right, analysed the significance of theory and practice of private property right of constitution law protection, recounted the history of its deve lopment, predicted the defect of private property right protection, and evaluated the draft. Then they proposed some constructive suggestions: we had better put the protection norms in the system too, or it needs constitutional interpretation; the draft should make clear the meaning of“and give compensation”;relevant law norms concerning compensation are needed;standards and procedure of compensation should be predicted.
Journal of Henan Administrative Institute of Politics and Law
private property right