The 3D model of double tracks railway was developed by surface partition. With this method the faces of terrain, bed, bridge, tunnel and other entities were cut into regular surfaces, and the grid meshes were utilized to represent them. The algorithm inserted the vertices of bed boundaries into terrain triangular mesh to form a new mesh, deleted the triangles, which located into the bed boundaries, and thereby merged the terrain and the construction models to obtain the 3D overall model of double tracks raiway.The 3D modeling of route was realized based on the model with the integration of 3DS MAX and AutoCAD. The applied results indicate that the method has fast speed and high reliability and is a feasible measurement for building 3D model of double tracks railway. 4 figs, 9 refs.
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
铁道部科技研究开发计划项目(铁建电2001 11)