目的 :研究体外培养的骨髓基质细胞对骨缺损修复的作用。方法 :从实验用新西兰大白兔股骨大转子处抽取 2 m l骨髓制成细胞悬液 ,体外培养 14 d。在双侧桡骨处形成 1.5 cm长的骨膜骨缺损。再将培养 14 d的骨髓基质细胞注射到一侧桡骨缺损处 ,另一侧桡骨缺损处注射培养液作为对照侧。移植后 1、2、3、4周末 ,用 X线分别检查双侧桡骨缺损处 ,摄 X线侧位片。取第 4周末的骨痂进行组织学检查。结果 :移植后第 2、3、4周末 ,实验侧骨痂形成明显快于对照侧 ,第 4周末 ,实验侧的骨痂中已形成骨性骨小梁 ,为骨性骨痂。结论 :体外培养的骨髓基质细胞可以促进骨缺损的修复。
Objective:To study the effects of bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC) cultured in vitro on repairing the bone defects.Methods:Two-milliliter bone marrow was obtained by percutaneous aspiration from the medullary cavity of the femur through the greater trochanter and cultured in vitro for 14 days.1.5-centimeters long bone defects were formed in each side of the radii. The experimental side was injected with 1×10 8 BMSC cultured in vitro for 14 days, and the control side were injected with culture medium .The X-ray examination was done by the end of the first, second, third, and fourth week after injection. By the end of the fourth week, the callus formed in bone defects was checked with histological examination.Result:The bone callus formation of the experimental sides was faster than that of the control sides. By the end of the fourth week, bone beams were formed in the callus of the experimental sides.Conclusion:The bone marrow stromal cells cultured in vitro can promote the bone defects healing.
Journal of Guangxi Medical University
bone marrow stromal cells
cells culture
bone tissue engineering
bone defects