目的 研究和比较不同剂量左旋氧氟沙星对大鼠肝重、肝微粒体蛋白质及细胞色素P4 5 0含量的影响。方法 将大鼠分成空白对照组和给药组。采用连续给予不同剂量左旋氧氟沙星后 ,测定大鼠的肝重、肝微粒体蛋白质及细胞色素P4 5 0含量。给药方案为每组 80mg/kg、16 0mg/kg、2 4 0mg/kg ,腹腔注射给药1/d ,连续给药 7d。结果 给予不同剂量的左旋氧氟沙星后 ,大鼠的肝重及细胞色素P4 5 0含量均明显降低 ,中剂量组及高剂量组分别与对照组及低剂量组比较有极显著性差异 (P <0 0 1)。微粒体蛋白质含量各组间比较无差异 (P >0 0 5 )。结论 左旋氧氟沙星的这种作用可能引起肝药酶对某些药物代谢的改变。
Objective To study and compare the effects of levofloxacin at different dosage on liver weight, content of microsomal protein and cytochrome P450 in rats.Methods Rats were divided into two groups.One was control group,the other was dosage group.In dosage group,rats were divided into three groups, each group was peritoneally injected with levofloxacin at 80 mg/kg,160 mg/kg and 240 mg/kg,respectively,qd,for seven days. Liver weight, content of microsomal protein and cytochrome P450 were measured. Results Agter administration of levofloxacin liver weight and content of cytochrome P450 were decreased significantly, differences between high dosage group (240 mg/kg) and low dosage group(80 mg/kg) and control group had statistic significance(P<0.01). Differences between middle dosage group(160 mg/kg) and low dosage group(80 mg/kg) and control group also had statistic significance(P<0.01). Content of microsomal protein was not changed after levofloxacin treatment. Conclusion Effects of levofloxacin on liver weight and cytochrome P450 of rats could affect drug metabolic enzyme in liver thus result in changes of metabolism of some drugs affected liver.
Journal of Naval General Hospital of PLA