论述了煤炭在我国能源结构中的重要地位及选煤在洁净煤技术方面的基础作用 ,指出选煤是中国洁净煤技术体系中最成熟、最可靠、最经济、最有效的技术 ,是发展洁净煤技术的重点 ,加快发展选煤有利于提高煤炭利用率、有利于环境保护、有利于节约运力、有利于提高企业经济效益 ;针对我国选煤行业存在的入洗比例低、选煤厂规模小、能力利用率低、设备质量差等主要问题以及制约选煤发展的主要因素 。
It is discussed that coal is the part and parcel of energy sources field in China, and it points out that coal preparation is the most reliable, economical and effective technology in clean coal technology system. So developing coal preparation is significant to promote the development of coal industry and improve the economy benefit of enterprise. At the same time it analyses the actuality and existent problems of coal preparation industry in China and brings forward relevant countermeasure and suggestion.
Coal Processing & Comprehensive Utilization