HastelloyB - 2是哈氏合金中最难制造和加工的镍基合金之一 ,尤其是化工容器中的封头 ,其制作工艺过程较复杂 ,这种材料较昂贵 ,目前在国内化工行业应用很少 ,因此掌握这种材料的制造技术具有重要的意义 ,本文阐述了HastelloyB - 2封头的坯料焊接、旋压成形、固溶处理及酸洗等工艺过程。
Hastelloy B-2 is one of the most difficult nickel-base alloys made equipment for chemical processing, especially the ellipsoidal head of vessels. The manufacture process is comparatively complex. The common necessary process consists of welding,forming, solution anneal,ect. At present Hastelloy B-2 is rarely applied in China in chemical industry for the material extraordinary costliness and demanding considerable technology. To master how to use this material make equipment will have essential meaning. The welding, forming, solution anneal and pickling for Hastelloy B-2 vessel head were introduced in detailed in the article.
Pressure Vessel Technology