根据《瑞士债法典》 ①第185条的规定:“合同标的物之收益与风险于合同成立时转移至买受人”。那么 ,如合同成立时出卖人和买受人并非同时履行各自的义务 ,法律对于收益和风险及所有权的转移又是如何规定的呢 ?本文将对这一问题做一介绍。
According to the stipulation in“The Swiss Federal Code of Obligation”,the earning and risk of the common objectives has been transferred to the buyer.But if the contract is signed and when the seller and the buyer don't fufil the contract simultaneously,what about the stipulation about the earning and risk?This paper gives a brief idea about this issue.
Journal of Nantong Vocational University