

Characterization and Genetic Mapping of alr1, a Mutant with Abnormal Leaves and Root Agravitropism in Arabidopsis
摘要 分离并鉴定了一个拟南芥突变体alr1,其叶片向下卷曲且不对称发育 ,顶端优势增强 ,根向重力性消失 ,下胚轴缩短 ,寿限延长 .此外 ,alr1叶片呈现较高的超氧物歧化酶活性 .遗传分析表明alr1是隐性单基因突变 .采用简单序列长度多态性标记将alr1的突变位点定位于第一条染色体上 ,距标记nga111约 7.89cM . An Arabidopsis mutant, alr1, was isolated and characterized. The alr1 mutant exhibited downward curling and asymmetric rosette leaves. Moreover,it showed an enhanced apical dominance in shoots, agravitropism in roots, shortened hypocotyl and extended life span. It also exhibited a significant higher SOD activity in the leaves of mutant plants. Genetic analysis revealed that the mutant was due to a single recessive mutation,which was mapped to a region about 7.89 cM from nag111 on Chromosome 1 using SSLPs markers.
出处 《复旦学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期220-224,共5页 Journal of Fudan University:Natural Science
基金 ProjectsupportedbyNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (39870 4 5 2 )
关键词 拟南芥 不对称叶 无向重力性 基因定位 Arabidposis thaliana asymmetric leaves agravitropism genetic mapping
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