引子 敦煌莫高窟是我国著名的三大石窟之一,也是世界上规模最宏大、保存最完好的佛教艺术宝库。 在敦煌市境内的鸣沙山麓东段,在南北1680余米长、10~40米高的断崖上,蜂窝状散布着4~14世纪一千余年不同朝代的石窟750余个。这些石窟上下排列五层,高低错落有致,鳞次栉比,形如蜂房鸽舍,壮观异常,这就是敦煌莫高窟。 敦煌莫高窟是集古建筑、雕塑、壁画三者为一体的一座伟大的艺术宫殿,堪称一部包括社会学科、艺术学科和自然学科在内的百科全书。敦煌莫高窟1961年被国务院列为首批全国重点文物保护单位;1987年12月被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产,并于1991年授于“世界文化遗产”证书。 有人说: “看了敦煌莫高窟,就等于看到了中国的古代文明。” 然而,在漫漫戈壁茫茫瀚海中耸立了1600多年的敦煌莫高窟,自其被世人发现后,不但遭受着斯坦因、伯希和、华尔纳等西方人的掠夺,而且由于自然生态环境的日益恶化,风沙已经对敦煌莫高窟及其文物的保护构成了严重的威胁。
Located at the eastern foot of Mingsha Mountain in Dunhuang City, Gansu Province, Mogo Grottoes has more than 750 caves with the 4th to the 14th century, distributed along the cliff of 1,680 meters from north to south. Dunhuang Mogo Grottoes is a great ancient art palace, in which there are preserved ancient building, color sculptures, murals, and also Buddhist sutras and documents . Mogo Grottoes was built on Sanwei Mount in Dongjin Dynasty(366AD). In 1900, a Taoist named Wang Yuanlu discovered a cave, called scriptures-stored cave, at Mogo Grottoes in Dunhuang which contained more than 50,000 sutras, documents and paintings from 10 dynasties in the 4th to the 11th centuries. Later, a large number of sutras and documents had been stolen by foreign adventures. Furthermore, some natural condition, such as strong wind, dry weather, wind erosion , sandstorm and sand dunes have always endangered the grottoes preservation and environment. The protection work has attracted increasing attention from the world people. The Mogo Grottoes was included by the UNESCO on the world Heritage List in 1987. Since 1992, Mogo Grottoes has imported world advanced dripping irrigation technology and has successively planted rose willow, scoparium, sacsaoul and other psammophytes at the foot of Mingsha Mountain, the two 2-km-long,12-14-meter-wide experimental shelter belts and wind breaks have been completed. In October 2002, a Comprehensive Wind-Sand Hazard Prevention and Control System Plan was made out, which the principle is majored in sand-fixation and integrated with sand-block, sand-transportation and sand-persuasion. It is a long way to go to protect the world culture and natural heritages, which needs responsibility not only from governments, scholars, but also the public.
Land & Resources