目的 了解SARS病区后期病人的心理状况,为SARS疫情再发时能有的放矢做好心理护理提供依据。方法 用医院焦虑抑郁量表(HAD)、状态与特质性孤独量表及自编对SARS认识的调查问卷,对SARS病区21例病人进行调查,运用描述性统计、相关分析等统计学方法。结果 (1)有焦虑、抑郁症状各5人,占23.8%;有境遇孤独症状13人,占61.9%。(2)病人的焦虑、抑郁与入院时对环境的不适应、对SARS预后没有信心及担心治愈后会复发有显著相关,P<0.05或P<0.01。病人孤独与焦虑、抑郁有正相关,P<0.05。结论 心理护理还有待进一步加强;新入院的病人是心理辅导的重点对象,健康教育时重点加强对SARS预后认识的宣教;病人得到了良好的社会支持,大多数能理性地对待SARS。
Objective To explore psychological status of patients in SARS area during post SARS period and provide psychological basis for psychological nursing purposely in case SARS breaks out again. Methods 21 cases in SARS area during post SARS period were investigated by HAD, State Versus Trait Loneliness Scales (SVTLS), and self-designed questionnaire about the cognition of SARS, with some statistical methods including descriptive statistics and relevant analysis being applied. Results (1) 5 cases had anxiety symptom and depression, which accounted for 23.8%. 13 cases had autism, which accounted for 61.9%. (2) About patients' anxiety and depression, and patients' being unaccustomed to hospital, lacking in confidence post operation, uneasy about the reoccurrence of SARS, there was significant difference between them (P<0.05 or P<0.01). There was also significant difference between patients' loneliness and anxiety (P<0.05). Conclusion Psychological nursing needs to be strengthened. Psychological assistance should focus on the newly hospitalized patients and health education should focus on the propaganda of cognition after cured. When patients are supported well by the society, they can deal with SARS rationally.
Nanfang Journal of Nursing