在中国古典戏剧发展史上 ,“戏剧”一词有其原初意义和语义流变历史。这一事实却为2 0世纪的戏剧史研究者所忽略 ,因而他们关于戏曲起源的考索不能全面揭示中国古典戏剧的性质。“戏剧”与“戏”、“剧”等词一样 ,具有“扮演”与“游戏”两大意义项 ,但是 ,历来的戏剧起源研究者都关注“扮演”的意义项 ,并由此为中国戏剧溯源 ,而忽略了“游戏”的意义项。这种溯源实际上是在演绎“艺术起源于歌舞”的艺术观念。中国传统的文艺功用论 (诗教 )、 2 0世纪的救亡图存、经世致用的文化语境激励着 2 0世纪的戏曲考原者选择“歌舞说”而放弃“游戏说”。“戏剧”的“游戏”意义项正是“戏曲”概念所没有的 ,“戏剧”
In the development of traditional Chinese drama, the word “drama' has its original meaning and its semantic changes. Because the relevant researchers in the 20th century ignored this fact, their textual researches about the origin of 'Xi-Qu' ( traditional Chinese opera) are unilateral. Like the words “Xi” (play) and “Ju” (theater), the word “Xi-Ju” (drama) has two meanings, “to act” and “to play”. However, many researchers have paid attention only to the former and ignored the latter while tracing its origin. This is in fact a deduction of the art idea that 'art originated from singing and dancing'. That is why the traditional Chinese poetics of art, the cultural context of patriotism and practicability urged the “Xi-Qu” researchers in the 20th century to prefer the former to the latter. The meaning of “play” which “Xi-Qu” lacks is contained in “Xi-Ju”. Because of its compatibility, the word “Xi-Ju” embodies the spirit of culture and art of traditional Chinese drama.
The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition