巴西之名源于巴郡行政建制的分化 ,2 0 1年是其产生的始年。巴西郡所辖范围 ,约相当今四川省之南充市、广安市、巴中市和达州市所辖各区县。巴西郡从汉末到隋虽有分合变化 ,然要不越出汉巴西的范围。巴西文化源远流长 ,积淀厚重。其内涵体现在人文历史上 ,是多元而多彩的。它既有忠肝义胆的刚烈之气 ,又有进德修业的讲学之风。其价值趋向是好学崇实 ,博取专精 ;从政不尚空谈 ,以务实为民 ,造福社会为己任。胸存浩然之气 ,不以官爵之崇卑为价值判断 ,遇合则仕 ,不合则去。巴西文化的独特内涵 ,随着我们的深入了解和认真总结 ,必将显得更为多彩 。
Baxi originates from the division of administrative areas in the year of 201.Its domain roughly includes Nanchong, Guang'an, Bazhong and Dazhou nowadays.Baxi prefecture changes a little from the Han to the Sui Dynasty.Baxi culture has a long history and its connotation shows pluralistic features in humanities.It has upright and unyielding quality and studying tradition of moral training as well.It has a value tendency to study and be pragmatic and profound.Its task is to do with concrete matters and bring benefit to mankind.With noble spirits it has a right view of offices and titles.Baxi distinctive cultural connotation will be more energetic and colorful with the more understanding and careful summation.
Journal of Daxian Teachers College