分析了实施国家助学贷款工作中存在的问题 ,并提出了解决问题的对策 :一是统一思想 ,转变观念 ,提高对国家助学贷款工作的认识 :二是学校应增强服务意识 ,主动发挥学校在助学贷款工作中的桥梁纽带作用 ,积极配合银行做好助学贷款的各项监督与管理工作 ;三是规范贷款方式 ,由学校申请发放助学贷款转为生源地申请与学校发放相结合的新的贷款方式 ,提高银行竞争意识 ,有力推动国家助学贷款工作 ;四是建立健全机构 ,简化贷款管理程序 ;五是规范助学贷款计息方式 ,实行还款激励机制 ,提高还款积极性 ;六是利用现代网络 ,建立信用评估体系和“大学生助学贷款信用信息查询系统”。
After analyzing issues in carrying out state study-aided loan, the author puts forward some solutions: improving the realization of state study-aided loan work with one united thought and idea; actively using universities' role in the aided loan and helping the bank supervise and administrate it; standardizing the loan ways and strengthening the sense of competition between banks; perfecting the structure and simplifying the loan procedure; standardizing study-aided loan interests and enforcing the system of repayment; with modern network establishing the system of credit judgment and inquiry system of information on university students credit for study-aided loan.
Journal of Daxian Teachers College