大学文化是大学发展的内在动力 ,而大学精神则构成了大学文化的核心和灵魂。作为大学校训 ,应当是对大学文化的的理性抽象和认同 ,是对大学精神的凝结。“崇德明法、弘毅致公”的新校训反映了新时期甘肃政法学院办学理念、办学精神和办学风格 ,是继承与创新的统一、共性传承与个性张扬的统一。
Collegial culture is an inherent drive for the development of a college. Collegial spirit makes of the core and the soul of collegial culture. Collegial instruments should image the characters of collegial culture and should embody collegial spirit. 'Uphold Morals, Master laws, Firm willpower, Devote the public' is the new college instrument of Gansu political science and law institute which reflects the new concept, new spirit and new style of running a college.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute