随着环境伦理学的升华 ,即由传统的人类中心主义向生态中心主义的转变 ,动物的权利、动物在法律关系中的地位等问题也随之浮出水面 ,亟待学者们的探讨与解决。在诸多问题中 ,民事主体与动物的联姻 ,备受青睐。动物是否能纳入法律关系主体范畴 ?动物是否能成为有限的法律关系主体 ?如之 ,其对民法体系的震撼与权利义务的失衡又将如何得到改观 ?公法与私法如何最大限度融合 ?……等等 。
With the development of ethnics in which the focus switches from traditional humanism to ecologism, the problems as to animals' rights and status in legal relation arose and need to be solved. Among them, the issue about the categorization of animals into right subject has become the focus. As a result, the issues in the area of the possibility and consequences of putting animals into category of right subject deserve our special attention.
Journal of Jiangnan University:Humanities & Social Sciences Edition