林则徐一生为官 ,宦海沉浮。他在江苏任职前后达七年之久 ,在他任内 ,江苏几乎无年不灾 ,无灾不烈。本文仅以道光三年 (1 82 3年 )、道光十一年 (1 831年 )、道光十三年 (1 833年 )水灾、道光十五年 (1 835年 )旱灾及风灾、道光十六年 (1 836 )年蝗虫过境为例 ,考察林则徐在江苏任上面对灾情是如何将“民惟邦本 ,本固邦宁”的思想贯穿于勘灾、报灾、赈灾、防灾的具体实践中的 ,进而分析他的灾赈特点及其影响。他的灾赈措施一方面保证了清王朝的社会稳定和赋税来源 ,一方面挽救了黎民百姓的生命财产 ,符合人民的利益和社会发展的需要。他处理灾荒的经验教训更给后人留下了一份宝贵的历史遗产。
LIN Ze xu was an officer in Jiangsu province for seven years when the people of the province suffered calamity after calamity almost every year. This thesis deals with how his idea that “people is the foundation of the state, so stability of the people is the prerequisite to the stability of the state”is reflected in his relief measures, which is based on the cases of the floods in 1823,1833 and 1833,the drought and the windstorm in 1835, and the plague of locusts in 1836. Meanwhile, this thesis analyzes the features and effect of his relief measures. In conclusion, for one thing, the measures ensured the stability of the society and the source of the national taxes. They saved the lives and property of the people. The lessons drawn from the relief measures have been a precious legacy for the later generations.
Journal of Jiangnan University:Humanities & Social Sciences Edition