
亚洲部分地区东方蜜蜂mtDNA多态性研究 被引量:4

Diversity of Asia Apis cerana mtDNA
摘要 就云南省7个不同样点共7群东方蜜蜂蜂群开展mtDNA内切酶位点测试和分析研究,并与菲律宾的东方蜜蜂作对比分析。内切酶DraI分析7个蜂群,共发现4个内切酶位点;云南东方蜜蜂mtDNA的tRNAleu-COII基因的序列没有长度多态性,EcoRI内切酶位点共有4个,与菲律宾的吕宋岛的东方蜜蜂属于同一单倍型。另外,对来自尼泊尔、泰国、越南、老挝以及我国北京、云南等地的共13群蜜蜂mtDNACOII基因的420个碱基对进行测序分析,发现13群东方蜜蜂分析的420个碱基序列里,位点变异从0个到5个不等,变异率从0到1 19% 用邻接法(neighbor-joining)构建的分子系统树可以看出分枝树主要分为两个类群:高纬度或高海拔的蜂群为一个类群,它们主要来自撒营盘(2)(China4)、丽江(China7)、北京(1)(China1)、尼泊尔(Nepal)、北京(2)(China2)、河口(1)(China8)和越南(2)(Vietnam2)。另一个类群的主要来自低纬度或低海拔的蜂群,它们主要来自撒营盘(1)(China3)、景洪(China5)、越南(1)(Vietnam1)、泰国(Thailand)、河口(2)(China6)和老挝(Laos)。该实验为我国东方蜜蜂资源的保护和开发研究提供了重要的信息和手段。 In this study, 7 Apis cerana colonies of Yunnan genetic variation was estimated by restriction of PCR-amplified fragments of tRNA leu-COII region, we detected that there is no length polymorphophism in the PCR-amplified fragment of tRNA leu-COII region,after the analysis with the enzyme DraI,four different fragment were obtained,but we only get one haplotype which is the same with the Apis cerana in Luzon island of Philippines. 13 colonies which from Yunnan, Beijing, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Nepal a 420 bp fragment of the COII gene was sequenced. The G+C content was from 24.5%~25%, the A+T content was from 75%~75.5%. Pairwise and multialignment sequence comparisons of DNA sequences revealed nucleotide variation in the form of single base pair substitutions at 9 nucleotide sites (1.9%), of which 8 were transition and 1 was transversion,4 were parsimony sites. In 13 colonies, nucleotide variation was from 0 to 5(0~1.19%). Sequence differences between two colonies from same place were found for Beijing (China 1 and China 2), Sayinpan (China 3 and China 4),Vietnam (Vietnam 1 and Vietnam 2),of which nucleotide variation were 3,2 and 2 respectively. Two colonies of Sayinpan (2)(China 4) and Nepal have the same sequences, no nucleotide variation.In the tree constructed using neighbour-joining method, two groups can be distinguished on .The first group is composed primarily of northern or high altitude honey bees, they were from Sayingpan (2) (China 4), Lijiang (China 7), Beijing (China 1) , Nepal ,Beijing (China 2), Hekou(China 8)and Vietnam; The second group is composed of southern or lower altitude honeybee which were from Sayinpan (1) (China 3), Jinghong (China 5),Vietnam (1), Thailand, Hekou (China 6) and Laos.
出处 《云南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2004年第2期227-230,共4页 Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University
关键词 亚洲 东方蜜蜂 MTDNA 多态性 系统分类 线粒体 母性遗传 Apis cerana mtDNA phylogeny COII gene
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