目的 分析总结抗结核药物致药物性肝病的情况 ,提高本病的诊断治疗水平。 方法 回顾性调查 1994~ 2 0 0 3年抗结核药物致药物性肝病 176例 ,并分析 10年来每年的发病率、变迁及临床情况。 结果 含异烟肼、利福平、吡嗪酰胺的抗结核治疗方案致本病的发病率是 2 16% ,10年来每年的发病率在逐年增加 ,平均发病时间是68 98d ,1月内发病的占 68 71% ,2个月内的占 80 2 9% ;2 0 8例中无症状者占 43 75 % ,有症状者占 5 6 2 5 % ,治疗前后ALT、AST、TBIL相比差异有显著性 (P <0 0 1)。 结论 抗核药物治疗结核病时应重视本病 。
Objective To analyse state of antituberculosis drug induced liver disease and promote the clinical level on diagnosis and therapy Methods Investgate fo look back incidence and transfer and situation of clinical in 208 cases With antituberculosis drug induced liver disease per year during 1994 to 2003 ten year Results The incidence of induced liver disease caused by antituberculosis therapy with rifampicin,isoniazid and pyrazinamide was 2 16% The incidence annually was iaced in ten years The time of average incidence was 68 98 days The incidence had 68 71% in the first month The incidence had 80 29% in the second month The symptom had 56 25% and not it 43 75% in 208 cases The ALT?AST?TBIL had significant difference(P<0 01=on before and after treatment Conclusion Care should be taken for drug induced liver disease caused during antituberculosis treatment,and liver function test should be made regularly
China Tropical Medicine