目的 :探讨高频探头及彩色多普勒超声 (CDFI)在肾移植手术后并发症的诊断意义。方法 :对我院 115例肾移植手术后患者进行高频彩超检测 ,观察并测量移植肾形态学和血流参数。结果 :急性排斥组和急性肾小管坏死组较正常组锥体增大 ,肾动脉阻力指数增高。结论
Objective To investigate the role of hight-frequency ultrasound and color doppler imaging(CDFI) in early diagnosis of complication following renal transplantation. Methods Hight-frequency ultrasound and color doppler imaging(CDFI) was performed in 115 cases of renal transplantation. Observe and measure the parameter of morphology and hemodynamics. Rusults Pyramid and the renal aterial resident index are increase in ATN and AR. Conclusions Hight-frequency ultrasound and color doppler imaging is an effective method to detect complication following renal transplantation.
Journal of Practical Medical Techniques