1Jonathan Bate, Romantic oology, Wordsworth and the Enviromental Tradition , Rouledge, 1991.
2Karl Kroeber, Ecological Literary Criticism: Romantic lmagining and the Biology of Mind, Columbia University Press, 1994.
3Derek Wall, Green History: A Rader in Environmental Literature, Philosophy, Politics, Routledge, 1994.
4Lawrence Buell, The Environmental Imagination : Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the Formation of American Culture, Cambridge, Mass: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1996.
5Cheryll Glotfelty & Harold Fromm (eds.), the The Ecocititicism Reader: Landmarks In Literary Ecology, Georgia University Press,Athen,Georgia, 1996.
6R. Kerridge & N. Sammuells ( ed. ), Writing the Environment: Ecocriticism and Literature. Zed Books Ltd.. 1998.
7New Literary History, 1999 Summer,30^th.
8Michael P. Branch, Rochelle Johrkson, Daniel Patterson, and Scottvic Slovic (eds.), Reading the Earth, New Direction in the Study of Literature and Enoironment ,University of Idaho Press, 1998.
9Buell, Lawrence, Wrting for an Endangered World, Literature and Environment in the US and Beyond. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,2001.
10Steven Rosendale, The Greening of Literary Scholarship: Literature, Theory and the Environment, Iowa City: Iowa University Press,2002.