
用离子交换吸附法回收Bt发酵液上清中的增效物质 被引量:1

Recovering Potentiator from Waste Supernatant in Production Process of Bacillus thuringiensis by Ion-Exchange Adsorption Column Chromatography
摘要 采用阳离子交换树脂进行了回收Bt发酵废弃上清液中增效物质的初步研究 ,确定了最适的离子交换树脂。其最适回收条件为pH5,流速 1 .5倍v/h ,废弃上清液中增效物质的回收效率可达 83%。回收的浓缩上清液与去上清菌浆比例为 1 6∶1时对棉铃虫毒杀作用最强 ,表现出最好的增效作用。 Different types of ion-exchange resin were used to recover potentiator from waste supernatant in the production process of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki strain MP-342. The static adsorption showed that D001 had the best adsorption ability and also the best releasing ability during elution. The optimized condition for recovering potentiator through ion-exchange adsorption was 1) Adsorption at pH 5, and 2) Eluting rate at 1.5 volume of resin/h. The recovery rate of the potentiator in the waste supernatant was 83% based on the inhibition rate against Escherichia coli DH5α. The concentrated supernatant showed highest potentiation rate when incorporated with no-supernatant Bt sludge at a ratio of 16∶1.
出处 《中国生物防治》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期34-37,共4页 Chinese Journal of Biological Control
基金 农业部病虫草害生物防治资源研究与利用开放实验室开放基金资助
关键词 离子交换吸附法 回收 苏云金芽孢杆菌 棉铃虫 毒杀作用 Bt发酵废弃上清液 杀虫活性 增效物质 Bt伴孢晶体蛋白 害虫 Bacillus thuringiensis potentiator ion-exchange adsorption recovery synergism
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