目的 :探讨十二指肠镜技术在胆胰系统疾病中的应用和价值。方法 :接受经内镜逆行胰胆管造影术 (ERCP)检查的病人 ,胆总管结石者行内镜乳头切开术 (EST) ,胆总管肿瘤者行内镜胆道内支架置入术 (ENBD)。结果 :5 2例胆总管结石患者 ,5 1例结石排净 ;1 2例胆总管和 6例胆管肿瘤者黄疸消退 ,控制胆管炎。结论 :十二指肠镜技术创伤小、安全、有效 ,对胆总管结石和胆管肿瘤病人疗效显著 。
Objective:to evaluate the efficacy of duodenoscopy in cholangiopancreatic disease.Methods:For patients examined by ERCP(endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography),EST(endoscopic sphincterotomy)was operated on those of common bile duct stones,ERBD[endoscopic retrograde biliary drainage] was performed with those who suffered from cholangiotumor.Results:(51/52)instances of common bile duct stones were clwared off Jaundice dispeared in (12/12) instances with common bile ductory tumor and relieved in 6 instances with latestage cholangiotic tumor,what's more,cholangeitis was controled.Conclusions:Duodenoscopy is a less invasive,safe and effective technique and possesses with certain clinical valve.
Journal of Datong Medical College