
利用线粒体COII基因序列对中国尾蛱蝶属系统分化的研究(鳞翅目:蛱蝶科) 被引量:29

Phylogenetic analysis of Polyura in China inferred from mitochondrial COII sequences(Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
摘要 利用线粒体COII基因序列分析法 ,研究了我国尾蛱蝶属 5种蝴蝶的系统分化。结果表明 ,在尾蛱蝶属 5个种的 12个样品中 ,4 0 5bp长的COII片段有 11 4 %的位点为多态性位点 ,大部分的碱基改变是转换。各物种内不同个体间的差异明显小于不同物种间的差异 ,种内个体间的差异一般为 0 5 %~ 1 5 % ,各物种间的差异绝大多数在 4 %以上。利用最大似然性法构建的尾蛱蝶属聚类关系图显示 ,尾蛱蝶属蝴蝶分为两大分支 ,一支包括大二尾蛱蝶、二尾蛱蝶和忘忧尾蛱蝶 ,另外一个分支包括窄斑凤尾蛱蝶和黑凤尾蛱蝶聚在一起。在大二尾蛱蝶、二尾蛱蝶和忘忧尾蛱蝶这一分支中 ,大二尾蛱蝶和忘忧尾蛱蝶的亲缘关系较近 ,而二尾蛱蝶较远。这些分子系统学的结果均与形态学的结果相一致 。 Phylogenetic analysis of 5 Chinese species of the genus Polyura was conducted based on mitochondrial COII sequences. The results showed that there were 11.4% polymorphic loci in 405 bp length of partial COII in 12 specimens of the 5 species of Polyura, and most of them were transformed through transition. The difference among individuals within species (0.5%-1.5%) was almost all lower than the difference among species (>4%), except that the difference between 2 individuals of P. athamas was higher than that between P. eudamippus and P. nepenthes. The dendrogram of the Chinese Polyura inferred by maximum likelihood method showed that there are 2 distinct clusters in the Chinese Polyura, in which one includes P. narcaea, P. eudamippus and P. nepenthes, and the other includes P. schreiber and P. athamas. The topological structure of the dendrogram is consistent with the morphological result. Therefore, the results of molecular phylogenetic analysis support the morphological results in genus Polyura.
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期243-247,共5页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3 983 0 0 5 0 )
关键词 鳞翅目 蛱蝶科 尾蛱蝶 线粒体CoⅡ 系统发育分析 中国 Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Polyura mitochondrial COII phylogenetic analysis China
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