目的 :光镜下观察改进单宁酸 氯化铁法 (ITA Fe法 )显示肾小管上皮细胞膜系统的效果 ,并与其它方法进行比较。方法 :两实验组用ITA Fe法处理 ,两对照组分别用TA Fe法、HE染色法处理。结果 :4种方法均可显示肾小管上皮细胞微绒毛、质膜内褶膜系统结构 ,清晰度由高到低依次为 :ITA Fe灌流标本、ITA Fe浸泡标本、TA Fe灌流标本、HE染色标本。结论 :经ITA Fe法灌流、浸泡的标本能更清晰地显示肾小管上皮细胞微绒毛、质膜内褶 ,可弥补TA
Objective:To investigate the effect on staining the epithelial cell of Renal tubule by improved tannic acid-ferric chloride method(ITE-Fe) by microscope.Methods:Two experimental groups were treated by ITE-Fe method.Two control groups were respectively treated by TA-Fe method and HE method.Results The funica system of the microvillus and plasma membrane infolding in epithelial cell of renal tubule could be investigated by the four kinds of methods above.Definition degree from high to low were ITA-Fe perfused,ITA-Fe soaking,TA-Fe perfused,HE. Conclusion The midcrovillus and plasma membrane infolding in epithelial cell of renal tubule could be significantly investigated by the two methods of MTA-Fe perfused and MTA-Fe which could supply TA-Fe and HE.
Journal of Chengde Medical University