目的 探讨自体血液回收机在腹主动脉瘤手术中的应用。 方法 8例腹主动脉瘤手术患者均在全麻下行人造血管置换术 ,手术开始即启用自体血液回输机回收血液 ,进行浓缩 -洗涤后回输给患者。 结果 8例患者平均回收血量 2 90 4± 6 4 0ml,洗涤红细胞 115 0± 4 8ml,平均输入血浆代用品 15 6 0ml。 3例患者术中平均输异体血 4 0 0ml和血浆 2 0 0ml。术中血流动力学稳定。 结论 腹主动脉瘤手术中应用自体血液回收机回收自体血 。
Objective To discuss the application of the autologous blood salvage and cell saver in abdominal aneurysm surgery. Methods Eight patients with abdominal aneurysm underwent the operations in general anesthesia.Cell saver was used for perioperative volume of recovered salvage and the washed blood was reinfused to all patients during operation. Results The average volume of recovered blood was 2904±640ml,the average volume of reinfused red blood cells was 1150 ± 48ml,the infused haemaccel was 1560ml. Three cases were infused with bank blood and fresh frozen plasma. Conclusion The autologous blood salvage and cell saver techniques may decrease the need of bank blood and could reduce the rate of infective complications in abdominal aneurysm surgery.
Modern Practical Medicine