目的 了解心理干预对输精管结扎受术者心理状况的影响 ,建立适合于输精管结扎受术者的围手术期心理干预措施。 方法 将 10 8例输精管结扎受术者随机分为干预组 60例 ,对照组48例。干预组在围手术期行心理干预 ,即采取支持性心理护理、音乐放松疗法等。对照组仅采取手术治疗。并在 2组入院和术后当日采用焦虑自评量表、抑郁自评量表、视觉摸拟法评价受术者的焦虑性、抑郁水平、恐惧程度 ,采用问卷调查受术者的疼痛程度。 结果 对照组和干预组受术者手术后的焦虑评分分别为 (43 .5± 10 .1)、 (3 6.9± 1.0 )分、恐惧分别为 (3 8.2± 13 .1)、 (3 0 .2± 12 .8)分、抑郁分别为 (46.8± 10 .2 )、 (41.8± 10 .0 )分及手术中的心率分别为 (80 .3± 4.9)、 (75.9± 50 .6)次/分、收缩压分别为 (12 8.6± 6.1)、 (118.1± 6.1) mm Hg,2组比较差异有显著性 (P<0 .0 5) ;干预组疼痛不适程度较轻 ,手术时间也相应缩短。 结论 支持性心理护理、音乐放松疗法能有效地改善输精管结扎受术者的负性心理 ,有助于提高手术效果 。
Objective To evaluate the effect of psychological intervention on mental state of surgical patients with vasoligation. Methods A total 108 men with vasoligation waiting for operation were randomly diveded into a intervention group (60 cases)and a control group(48 cases).The intervention group received supportive psychotherapy and music relaxation training.The other 48 men received only operation.Both groups were evaluated with SAS?SDS and VAS fear before and after operation,and their heart rate and blood pressure were measured before and during operation. Results Compared with the control group the intervention group had lower scores on anxiety?depression and fear after operation.They had lower heart rate and blood pressure during operation,had less pain and the duration of operation process was short. Conclusion Supportive psychotherapy and music relaxtion training are effective in helping men adapt to operation on vasoligation.
Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health