根据各项经济指标判断 ,目前我国的工业化进程处于中期阶段。本文认为 ,我国已走过的工业化道路存在着值得注意的问题 ,新型工业化道路是对这些问题和偏差的自觉矫正。在经济全球化的背景下推进新型工业化 ,必须实施科教兴国战略和可持续发展战略 ,必须选择新型的战略对策。
Judging by a series of economic data,our country is still in the middle stage of industrialization now. The author argues that there are some serious problems with the previous process of industrialization of which we should be cautious. The new industrialization is the approach to rectify these problems and deviations consciously. Against the background of economic globalization, new schemes of strategy should be developed in the process of the new industrialization.
Journal of Anhui University of Science and Technology:Social Science